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step : 1 create a directory on your server as config open that up and create another directory inside that folder called voltron
paste the control.php in the folder voltron edit it to your server adress etc etc
step 2 open the decompiler you use and navigate to smali_classes2/com/ac/master/minds/player/activity/MainActivity.smali line 236
base 64 the server or host adress for example not the full url
step 3 smali_classes2/com/ac/master/minds/player/activity/splashscreenactivity.smali line 205 same base 64 code as above
step 4 smali_classes2/com/ac/master/minds/player/model/configuration.smali same base 64 put/config/ at the end (/config/ not in base64)
step 5 smali_classes2/com/ac/master/minds/player/Buildconfig.smali line 15 same base 64 code